Tag: Working From Home

Lockdown DIY Projects

Thinking about doing some lockdown DIY projects? See how some locals have transformed their homes during lockdown.

A women working on a laptop at home. Feature image for the top tips for working from home blog post

Top tips for working from home

Working from home became the norm for many in 2020 due to the Coronavirus outbreak. As the new year gets underway, many of us are continuing to work from our kitchen table or spare bedroom. This week, Propertynews.com are sharing their top tips on how you can get the most out of working remotely.

Office interior at 26 Ravenhill Park Gardens. The interior is stylish with a stove, chic grey walls and a statement rug. Image used in the Top home offices on Propertynews.com blog post.

Top home offices on Propertynews.com

A home office has made its way to the top of the wish-list for many people who are moving home. Since March, many individuals have found themselves working remotely due to the Coronavirus outbreak. With remote working set to become the new normal, why not take a look at some of the best home offices on Propertynews.com.

A women is sitting at a desk using a laptop. A window is open to the left side of the individual. A hot drink along with a book and glasses are placed on the table. Image used in the A guide to staying productive when working from home blog post

A guide to staying productive when working from home

Many of us are now having to adjust to working from home due to the Coronavirus pandemic. When we would usually be reporting to our desks, we are now finding ourselves working from our home office, the spare room or the kitchen table. With such a change in the working environment, it can be difficult to adjust and remain productive at the same time.

A man is working from home. Image used in the working from home: 6 things to do on your lunch break

6 things to do on your lunch break

Working from home has become more widespread recently due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Although we may be working from the comfort of our own home, it is still important that we are taking regular breaks. Propertynews.com are highlighting 6 things to do on your lunch break that will take you away from your computer screen and leave you feeling energised and motivated.

The home gym in 7 Ballygalget Lane, a house for sale in Portaferry.

Home gym inspiration on Propertynews.com

Home gym workouts are becoming more common as the public stay at home during the Coronavirus outbreak. Whether you take over the spare room or set up your workout equipment in the garage, there are many different spaces in your property that can double as your own personal gym. Today, Propertynews.com are sharing some of the best home gyms from properties that are on the market now!