
Author: propertynews

Is Life Insurance a smart investment?

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Featured image for the prepare your house for winter blog. This image focuses on a lit fireplace with wooden logs surrounding the fireplace.

How to prepare your house for winter

With the darker evenings and colder days, it is important to know how you can prepare your house for winter. Here at, we have compiled a list of ways that you can protect your home and keep warm over the winter months.

Dream Homes For Sale

Most of us are looking for our dream home! Here’s our choice of dream homes for sale this week – check out these fabulous homes and interiors.

Top 3 Terraced Houses For Sale

If you are in the market for a terraced house, have a look at our top 3 terraced houses for sale this week in Northern Ireland. One of them might be the one you are looking for.

Detached Houses For Sale

Do you want a little more space and privacy in your next home? Check out our top 5 detached houses for sale in Northern Ireland this week.