
Other Considerations when Building A New Home in NI


There are a number of things which it may be advisable for you to check prior to carrying out any work such as:

Legal Position

If you are in any doubt, check your legal position and if necessary consult a solicitor to ensure that there are no restrictions on the land or the type of work you wish to do (e.g., legal title, restrictive covenants, rights-of-way, etc.).

Planning History

The original planning permission granted for your house may have a condition attached restricting or prohibiting the kind of work you wish to carry out.  If in doubt, check with your local area planning office.

Traffic Safety

The work you are carrying out must not cause danger by obstructing the view of people using a public road.

Listed buildings

Listed building consent may be needed for the work you want to do if you live in a listed building.  Your Local Area Planning Office will be able to advise.

To search for listed buildings in Northern Ireland, click here>>>

Tree Preservation Orders

A TPO provides protection for those trees specified in the order and makes it an offence to cut down, top, lop, uproot or wilfully damage or destroy a tree, or permit these actions, without first seeking the Department’s consent to do so.
An application for consent must be made in writing to your local area planning office, specifying the trees, the work you want to carry out and why.

For more information on Tree Preservation Orders Northern Ireland click here>>>

Conservation Areas

If you live in a Conservation Area and wish to carry out any external alterations it is advisable to discuss these with your local planning office.  The criteria set out for assessing proposals in a Conservation Area are included within Planning Policy Statement 6 – Archaeology and the Built Heritage.  Supplementary planning guidance will be found in the relevant Conservation Area Design Guide.  If you are hoping to obtain a Conservation Area Grant or Historic Buildings Grant you should contact the Built Heritage of the Environment and Heritage Service.

Trees in a conservation area are automatically protected as if a TPO was in place. However, in a conservation area, anyone proposing to carry out works on the trees, must serve on the Department six weeks notice of the intended works. The notice should contain sufficient information to identify the trees, details of the proposed works and reasons.

Areas of Townscape Character

If you live in an Area of Townscape Character again it may be in your interests to seek advice prior to submission of an application. In processing planning applications within ATCs/AVCs, the key consideration for the Department will be to ensure that development proposals respect the appearance and qualities of each townscape area and maintain or enhance their distinctive character. Planning permission is required for the demolition of an unlisted building in ATCs/AVCs as a consequence of a Departmental Direction issued under Article 11 (2) (f) of the Planning (NI) Order 1991.

Historic Monuments

Work proposed in or near any archaeological site or historic monument may need special permission, or certain precautions may be advisable. For advice contact the Archaeological Survey of the Built Heritage of the Northern Ireland Environment Agency