Love Plate
24 April 2017

16 Things to get right when moving in with someone


Whether you’re moving in with a friend or family member, or buying your first home with your partner, moving in with someone for the first time can be a big step and commitment, and can leave you feeling both excited and nervous in equal measure.  In many case’s you are going into the unknown as you will start to spend more time with your new housemate.

This brings with it a new level of responsibility for you both, and potential challenges to your relationship.  It’s not all doom and gloom though, and if you remember the simple things, life can be so much easier.  We’ve compiled this easy checklist for you to remember when moving in with someone for the first time.  If you remember these, then things should run much smoother.

16 Ways to be a better housemate:

1. Cook together

The heart of the home, one of the best ways to ensure you get off on the best foot when moving in is to spend time cooking together in your kitchen.  Also try to take it in turns when you can, and whatever you do, don’t let cooking just feel like another chore; make it something you can both enjoy together.

Cook together
Cook together

2. Muck in with the chores

We’d all love to lie with the feet up at the weekend and let someone else do the cleaning, but unfortunately, it’s not a luxury that many of us can enjoy.  When it comes to moving in with someone and living together for the foreseeable future, you both need to get stuck in with the chores.  Make a list of who will be doing what, and stick to it.  Whether it’s the dishes, hoovering or general cleaning around the house, you both should have something to do to keep your home clean.

3. Boys, never leave the toilet seat up 

If you want a quieter life guys, just remember to put the seat down when you’re finished.  There’s more than one person using the toilet, so just remember this.

Love Plate
Love Plate

4. Always make time for date night 

Moving in together brings with it new responsibilities that you most likely didn’t have when you were living alone or with your parents.  If you’re moving in with your partner or a close friend, always be sure to leave some aside for socialising.

5. Never watch a series ahead of your better half

This is simply a no-go.  Don’t get trigger happy with the TV remote and start watching a TV series without your partner or housemate, especially if it is one you are both big fans off!

6. Be careful washing your partners delicates, colours & wools

When it comes to washing, do your colours together and wash your woollen clothing and other delicates at a good temperature as you don’t want to be handing over clothing that you’ve shrunk in your first week of living together.

Washing Machine
Washing Machine

7. Don’t play FIFA or Football Manager every night of the week

We all need a bit of downtime, but guys, try to drag yourself away from FIFA, Pro Evo or Football Manager at least once a week.  Remember, it’s only a game 🙂

8. Have a back-up duvet in case of emergencies

You never know what lies ahead, so always have a back-up duvet to hand in case of emergencies.  The sofa isn’t the best place to spend the night, but if you have a backup duvet, at least it’s a little more bearable.

9. Don’t hog the remote

Ladies, don’t constantly have Secret Housewives, Keeping Up With The Kardashians or X Factor on the tele, and guys, don’t hog the remote and constantly have sport on.  If you do have different viewing habits though, consider multi-room and that way everyone can watch what they want 🙂

TV Remote
TV Remote

10. Make time for friends

Moving in with a partner can often mean less time being spent with friends, and as you get older and start a family this will become more of a norm.  Try to make time for friends at least once a month, whether it’s a girls or boys night at your house, or a night on the town, always make time for friends.

11. If you’re making a cuppa, always offer!

You don’t want to be in the position of explaining why you only made one cup of tea or coffee, so when you’re heading to the kitchen to put on a brew, be sure to offer.


12. Put your phone down for 10

Mobile phones are everywhere today, and with smartphones being able to do so much, it can often be hard to put them down.  If you’re just moving in together for the first time, don’t just sit on your phones all evening.

13. Clean up after yourself

This one may sound like a simple one, but if you’re moving in together you need to start thinking about each other’s feelings.  Don’t leave your dirty clothes or dishes lying around, and when you’re finished dinner, clean up after yourself.

14. Don’t forget bin day

Whether it’s a piece of paper stuck to the fridge or a reminder on your phone, don’t forget to put out your bins.  It’s just one of the many responsibilities you now have.

15. Make decisions together

Living with someone now means you can no longer go off and make decisions on your own (well, you can, but prepare to feel the wrath if it’s a bad decision).  Any important decisions around billing or new things for your home should be made together.

Moving in with someone for the first time is a bit commitment, and for many couples it can be a big change.  Whatever you do, don’t fall out over the small things, and never go to sleep on an argument.

Make decisions together

Have you any tips for moving in with someone?

Have you recently moved in with someone and have some top tips to share?  Perhaps you’ve survived for many years with your partner and have lots of wisdom to share with our readers?  Let us know your secrets by commenting below or connecting with us on Facebook and Twitter.

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